Posted by Jim Wayman on Jun 08, 2021
Fellow Rotarian Mickey Edwards, the Executive Director of the United Way of the Flint Hills, talked to our club about current efforts underway to try to restore women's housing services in Lyon County after Plumb Place stopped providing services. Mickey started meeting with several agencies providing services to women in the area, including representatives of SOS, Corner House, ECKAN, CrossWinds, the United Way and Kansas Legal Services (among others). It was quickly determined that the services provided by Plumb Place were not duplicated elsewhere in our area, especially for women with children. It was determined that it would cost $850,000 to $1 million to renovate the Plumb House to current standards for housing of women with children. Selling the Plumb House would probably realize $250,000 to $300,000 that could probably be used toward establishing similar services at another local location. It was determined that no local non-profit had the means to take over the current Plumb House, restore it and maintain it for these kind of services. Selling the current Plumb House is now being considered. The funds from the sale would be used by another non-profit agency that could take over the mission of providing housing for women with children and a homeless emphasis. It may be possible for another non-profit to take over the current 501(c)(3) organization to escalate the process.